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Een oproep van Rowan, S.P.A refuge in Berriac:

"The refuge is freezing. It is just awful. We are breaking the ice on the dogs waterbowls and the animals are huddling inside trying to keep warm against the icy winds. Some lovely people have taken out a few of the older and more vulnerable dogs, but we are in desperate need of blankets, quilts old jumpers, basically anything that may help to keep the dogs warm. Please help! Of course with the snow we haven’t had too many visitors to the refuge, and hence not many adoptions. The snow is not deterring people wishing to abandon their dogs, however, and I hope these heartless people sleep badly at night. I do, but in my case it is due to worry about the dogs, not due to a guilty conscience. A couple of dogs have been adopted this week, and it is great to think of them in the warm. I was particularly happy about Gavroche, our tiny scruffy boy of indeterminate breeding. Demoiselle left, too as did little Mouse. There are still so many lovely dogs waiting for homes, and adopting one now is about the kindest thing you could do. They are really suffering at the refuge, despite our best efforts. Please bring us any old blankets you may have. If we are closed, there are boxes built into the wall to the left of the gate. Please don’t leave any animals in there!!! Thank you for your help, Rowan"

I’m going to try to go over there on Saturday with whatever blankets/quilts/etc I can get hold of (plus give her our 200 euro donation) . . . if anyone has anything they can spare to help keep the animals warm, please get them to me or directly to the SPA if it’s easier. 


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20120210, Dieren, Languedoc-Roussillon

Reactie van zoupi op 12 Februari 2012 op 11.03

Reactie van annelise Kessener op 13 Februari 2012 op 17.22

marianne  ik kan je helpen aan een twintigtal grote kartonnendozen die ze toch goed uit de wind kan houden , ook heb ik wel dekens en dekbedden die kunnen dienen
komt er weleens iemand in de buurt van Aix en Provence , dan kunnen we iets af spreken .Ik ben invalide en kan niet zo ver in een auto om het jullie te brengen ,dus daar moeten we dan een oplossing voor vinden
ik ben blij te horen dat meer mensen zich om dieren bekommeren , bedankt . vr. groet , Annelise

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