Hèt netwerk van, voor en door Nederlandstaligen in Frankrijk - zegt het voort!


Waarschinlijk ten overvloede, maar ik wil jullie toch waarschuwen nooit in te gaan op deze verzoeken! Het zijn valse boekingen!

Thanks for your prompt response.I have discussed this with my Wife and we have agreed to rent your property and i will like you to block all other people from renting the dates, and as for the cost,we are alright 135,00 euro per night

Below are my information:

Mrs & Mr Kelvin Ronald
Address: 5421 E. Apple Tree Lane
Chattaroy 99003 Washington
United States
Fax Number :+1206-338-5714
Home Number : +1206-395-7037
+44 8712842472
Adults : 2

Regarding the payment arrangement,I am assuring you that their won't be any problem because our company's associate in Europe would be paying for our holiday expenses and they have inform me that they will be making the payment via Euro french Cheque.

The Euro french Cheque that you will receive will be in excess, has Our Basic Travelers Allowance fee will be included in the rental fee base on trust. As soon as you have receive the Euro french Cheque you would have it deposited into you account for clearance, you would deduct the rental fee and i will tell you how to send our Basic Travelers Allowance fee to my traveling agent so that he can do all paperwork's, After the Euro french Cheque has been cleared in your account ,

I will appreciate if you can get back to me with the following information that will be need by our company business associate to make the payment out to you, so that you can receive the payment as soon as possible:

Full Name on Euro french Cheque:
Full Address:
City :
Zip Code:
State :
Country :
Telephone Number :

I would be very glad if you can be of a helping hand, I will be looking forward to read back from you with the information needed above.

Mr&Mrs Kelvin Ronald

Weergaven: 1701


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20130331, Geldzaken, Midden- en Kleinbedrijf

Reactie van Lena op 1 April 2013 op 12.19

@ Theo: ik heb me rot gelachen, een héél mooi verhaal! De cardioloog wordt ook steeds wanhopiger... Groet, Lena.

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