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20171015, Woningbeheer en Huishouding

Reactie van kurtmiekesiebe op 16 Oktober 2017 op 12.25

Wij hebben dit ook deze zomer achter onze fotokaders veelvuldig gevonden. De 'bouwheer' was van ons een soort langwerpige vlieg, die het nodige geluid produceerde bij het maken van zijn cocon.

Reactie van Rob van Merm op 16 Oktober 2017 op 13.51

Oosterse langsteelgraafwesp (Franse naam: Pélopée courbée)

(uit Wikipedia)

Sceliphron curvatum is an insect of the Sceliphron genus, of the Sphecidae family of wasps. Like all wasps of this genus, it is a solitary species and builds nests out of mud. S. curvatum is native to some regions of Asia and invasive to Europe.


Nest of mud ready to be filled with spiders.

Sceliphron curvatum is 15 to 25 millimetres (0.6 to 1.0 in) long and is coloured black with yellow and red ornaments. It builds nests of mud on the walls of buildings but also very often indoor on piles of books, clothes or pieces of furniture. Every nest is filled with paralyzed spiders, which serve as food for the larvae. Like all Sceliphron species, S. curvatum is not aggressive unless threatened.


Larva and spiders in the nest of S. curvatum

Formerly, the species was distributed in IndiaNepalPakistanKazakhstan and Tadjikistan in submontaneous regions at the highest mountain ranges of the world: HimalayasKarakoram and Pami. It was first recorded in Europe in 1979 when a female was collected near the village Grätsch in southeastern Austria. It is assumed that S. curvatum was introduced to Europe as a result of human activity but after that the species has been spreading throughout Europe at most itself. Since 1979 the species has expanded to other European countries: SloveniaItalyCroatiaSwitzerlandFranceHungaryGermanySerbia and MontenegroGreeceCzech RepublicSpainSlovakiaUkraine and RomaniaS. curvatum has been quickly enlarging its area in Europe and forming mighty populations in antropogenous localities (towns, villages) in southern and central Europe.


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